18 August 2011

PCPhilippines Update #33

Test Time:  It is mid-term season here in the Philippines and I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the exams university students are taking here at Negros Oriental State University at the College of Arts and Sciences in the English and Literature Department.
English 111: Thinking and Study Skills is an entry level class for First Year (that's what they call freshmen) students who are 15 or 16 years old.  The curriculum for this class is all over the board, I guess it's mostly basic English and instructors take the class wherever they like.
English 112: Writing is another first year class, mostly taken after 111, about basic writing in English.  I don't know much about the class because I haven't been in it yet.
English 121: Effective Speech is a Year Two class, first semester if on is right on track.  This class is about just what it sounds like it is about . . . effective speech.  The Cebuano and Tagolog languages only have 16 consonants and three vowel sounds where the English language something, like, over 21 consonants and 14 vowel sounds.  So, native Filipino speakers don't have many English sounds encoded in their brains or the muscles in their mouths that make sounds.  This class helps them to ask for a "map" instead of a "mop" when they are lost. 
Please remember that English is really these Filipino youth's third language after learning Cebuano in their homes and communities and studying Tagalog in school since grade 1 and using it throughout the Philippines as their national language.  They also have been studying English since grade 1 and many students speak it as well as, or even better, than Tagalog.
Good luck on these.  The first exam is worth 85 points, the second worth 85 points also, and who knows about the third exam (I'll explain why the odd number of exam points in another update). Feel free to email your answers back and I will grade them for you :-)  Oh, and you don't need to email me to tell me about all the spelling and grammatical errors in the exams . . . I see them.
English 111
Negros Oriental State University
Main Campus I, Dumaguete City
Name: _____________________    Score: ___________________
Course: ____________________    Engl. Class Time: __________
TEST I: Spelling: There are twenty words listed below.  Ten of these words are misspelled while the other ten are not.  Identify the ten misspelled words and write their correct spelling in the given spaces. (1 pt for every corrected misspelled word)
exhausted shimmery prestigeous effervecent
Apreciative guarantee puny meticulos
Encouraging collegiate perspicuos affable
Glammorous elligible leisure beguiling
Courageous omnicient sasy transluscent
1. _____________________     6. _____________________
2. _____________________     7. _____________________
3. _____________________     8. _____________________
4. _____________________     9. _____________________
5. _____________________     10. ____________________
TEST II: Vocabulary:  From the pool of possible answers, choose the word that will complete the given sentences.  Write your answer in given space. (1 pt for every correct answer)
tedious Stunning horrible feeble luxurious brisk
Alluring scintillating intriguing wistful cozy ionic
_____  1. The _____ girl caught the attention of the crowd as she walked across the room with elegance and beauty.
_____  2. The _____ rumors that I'll have a blind date any time next week keeps me awake at night.
_____  3. Children murdering their parents for money is just so _____.
_____  4. After drinking too much medicine, my body became weak and _____.
_____  5. The _____ process of beadwork makes beaded dresses costly.
_____  6. Putting _____ women on wine advertisements is a common practice.
_____  7. The _____ car has all the conveniences in side.
_____  8. I think that _____ drink is champagne.
_____  9. That _____ old woman lost her son.
_____  10. I want to buy one of these _____ love-seat for the house.
TEST III: Adjectives:  Give the correct comparative degree of the adjective in the parenthesis.  Write tour answer on the given space. (1 pt each correct answer)
A.  Tsunamis or tidal waves are (1. destructive) __________.  They are (2. big) __________ than the waves during a stormy day, and are definitely (3. large) __________ than the ordinary waves, and are definitely (4. dangerous) __________.  They can be (5. high) __________ than the (6. tall) __________ building on the land, thus they can wash away the entire village on the sea coast.
B. Volcanic eruptions cause (7. great) __________ damage than typhoons because the former unleashes a chain reaction of destructive events.  First, there are the earthquakes.  The (8. strong) __________ the quake, the (9. extensive) __________ is the damage it causes to life and property. Then there is the eruption itself which can be just as (10. destructive) __________ or even more so.  It is definitely (11. scary) __________ because of the tremors, the explosions, and the fires that go with it. Finally, the quakes can trigger off tidal waves and it is difficult to say which of the three is (12. Fearful) __________.
C. Instruments for measuring natural calamities are equally good.  Those that measure the intensity of the earthquakes are as (13. Sensitive) __________ and as (14. Accurate) __________ as those that measure wind velocity.  The figures they come up are just (15. Precise) __________.
TEST IV: subject-Verb Agreement and Asking and Answering Questions.
A. Complete the conversation below by supplying the missing question or answer depending upon what is asked for. (2 pts for every correct answer)
Clara:  Hi, is this seat taken?
Tanya:  No.  You can have it. (1) ___________________________________?
Clara:  I think we are.  My class here is English 111. (2) _________________?
Tanya:  Yes it is.  By the way, I'm Tanya.
Clara:  I'm Clara.  Glad to meet you Tanya. (3) ________________________?
Tanya:  Negros Oriental High School. (4) _____________________________?
Clara:  Carmel High School.
Tanya: (5) _____________________________________________________?
Clara:  In Siaton. (6) _____________________________________________?
Tanya:  Yes, because (7) _________________________________________.
Clara:  Really? What is your mother's maiden name?
Tanya: Ragay.
Clara: My family name is Ragay too.  Can we be relatives?
Tanya: I think (8) ___________________ because (9) ___________________.
Clara:  True! All Ragays' in Saiton are relatives.
Tanya:  How often do you go to Saiton?
Clara (10) __________________________ because my mom brings my Lola and my Lolo some groceries every end of the month.
Tany:  Here comes our teacher.  Let's talk again later.
Clara: OK.
B. Read the paragraph below and convert the italicized sentences into questions; then, answer your written questions.  Base your answer on the given paragraph. ( pts for each correct question and each correct answer)
(1)One reason people lie is to achieve personal power.  Achieving personal power is helpful for someone who pretends to be more confident than he really is.  For example, one of my friends threw a party at his house last month. (2)He asked me to come to his part and bring a date.  However, I didn't have a girlfriend.  One of my other friends, who had a date to go to the party with, asked me about my date.  I didn't want to be embarrassed, so I claimed that I had a lot of work to do.  (3) I said I could easily find a date even better than his if I wanted to.  I also told him that his date was ugly.  (4) I achieved power to help me feel confident; however, I embarrassed my friend and his date.  Although this lie helped me at the time, since then (5)it has made me look down on myself.
TEST V: Subject-Verb Agreement and Simple Tenses:  Complete the paragraph below by filling each blank with the correct form and tense of the verb in the parenthesis.
The first time I (1. see) _______ a girl in her colorful yellow and red working clothes, I (2. ask) _______ myself, "Why (3. be) _______ she wearing such loud colors?  What (4. do) _______ the word AIDE in large letter on her t-shit (5. Mean) _______?  When I (6. put) _______ these questions to her, she (7. have) _______ no answers.  Later it (8. dawn) _______ on me that the reason for the loud colors (9. be) _______ to make the wearer clearly visible to motorist, since AIDE must (10. Work) _______ in the street.  AIDE (11. mean) _______ one who (12. aid) _______ or (13. help) _______ with the letter E giving a touch of the military, or of order, as in aid-de-camp.  I (14. realize) _______ that these people in colorful costumes, (15. be) _______ actually doing the housekeeping for the city by sweeping the streets.  Understanding what AIDE (16. be) _______ and how they (17. help) _______ in our community, _______ (18. uplift) their image.  People no longer (19. look) _______ down at them knowing that they (20. be) _______ useful, desirable, and dignified.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus 1, Dumaguete City
English 111
Midterm Examination
First Semester, S.Y. 2011-2012
Name: __________________________________  Score: ______________
Course and Year: ____________ Time Sched: _______ Date: __________
General Instructions: Read and understand the given instructions before answering.
I. Finding and Applying the Appropriate Use of the Verb Forms
A. Identifying the Simple Tense Forms of the Verb
Language Test Spec: Identifying the appropriate use of the simple tenses of the verb in order to complete the meaning of a paragraph
Instructions: Fill the blanks below with the correct simple present and past tense forms of the verb in order to complete the meaning of the given paragraph.  Write the correct answers on the spaces provided for.  Refer to the verbs in parentheses (10 pts).
Ghost towns are relics of our past.  These old towns (1. tell) _______ the stories of so many adventurous men and women who (2. come) _______ to seek their fortunes.  Beautiful houses had been built rapidly.  Along the main street (3. stand) _______ a general store and a large hotel.  Beauty saloon (4. ring) _______ out nightly with shrill laughter and loud piano music.  Miners (5. walk) _______ proudly down the sidewalks because their pockets (6. bulge) _______ with gold.  Then, the gold suddenly (7. disappear) _______ in the mines.  The town quickly (8. empty) _______, as people (9. go) _______ elsewhere.  Buildings were empty and silent.  Today, only the memories (10. remain) _______.
B. Using the Simple Tense and the Perfect Tense Forms of the Verb
Language Test Spec: Using both the simple tense and the perfect tense forms of the verb to fill the gaps in a given dialog
B.1 Instructions: Distinguish the appropriate tense forms of the verb that could be placed in each gap below in order to make the thought of the given dialog complete and meaningful.  Refer to the given context of the dialog and the verbs in parentheses.  Write the correct answers on the given spaces (20 pts.)
Context: Mrs. Tordesillas is almost 90 years old.  She is talking to a reporter.
Reporter: How long have you lived in this house, Mrs. Tordesillas?
Mrs. Tordesillas: I (1. live) _______ here for 75 years now.
Reporter: And how long is it since your husband (2. die) _______?
Mrs. Tordesillas: Oh, he (3. has) _______ dead for 40 years.  Yes, he (die) _______ a long time ago.
Reporter: And where _______ you (4. live) _______ before you (5. come) _______ here?
Mrs. Tordesillas: Well, before we (6. get) _______ married I (7. live) _______ with my parents in San Fernando. They (8. knock) _______ the house down now.  I only (9. live) _______ in two houses all my life.
Reporter: I expect you (10. see) _______ a lot of changes in all that time.
Mrs. Tordesillas: Oh yes.  San Fernando (11. be) _______ very quiet in my young days.  And it (12. no be) _______ as big as it is today.  I (13. go) _______ for picnics on Calle Real with my brothers and sisters.  Now they (14. build) _______ house there.
Reporter: (15. have) _______ you (16. enjoy) _______ life in those days?
Mrs. Tordesillas: Oh yes.  We (17. has) _______ a wonderful life.  People (18. be) _______ a lot friendlier in those days.  We (19. do) _______ things together.  Nowadays, people just (20. sit) _______ at home and watch television, don't they?
Language Test Spec: Applying the simple present and past as well as the present perfect tense forms of the verb in order to complete the ideas in a given dialog
B.2 Instructions: Complete the dialog below by applying the correct forms of the verb in order to complete the thought of the given conversation.  Use the time expressions as clues.  Write the correct forms of the verb on the blanks.  You may use the simple present and past as well as the present perfect tense forms of the verb (10 pts.).
Ana: Oh, my, there's pain all over my body, I am so weak.
Matthew: I think the influenza virus (1) _______ in you now!  Be careful.
Greg: How do you know?  You (2) _______ not a physician, are you?
Diana: Maybe Matthew (3) _______ right, because now Ana (4) _______ experiencing clear signs of flu.
Matthew: And she (5) _______ like that since two days ago.
Ana: Correction, please!  I (6) _______ like this since yesterday, not two days ago.
Greg: See?  It (7) _______ not a flu because it started only yesterday.
Matthew: Are you sure, Ana?  Remember, you (8) _______ in a bad mood before you consulted me about your enrolment.
Ana: Well, let me recall.  Ah, yes, that (9) _______ days ago.
Greg: Oh, come on . . . let's not make this a problem.  Let's just hope that Ana (10) _______ over this malady . . . if it were indeed a flu.
II. Completing a Sentence Using the idiomatic Expressions
Instructions: Choose the correct idiomatic expression that could complete the meaning of each sentence below under the Pool of Given Answers.  Write the correct answer on the spaces provided for (15 pts.).
Language Test Spec: Completing the idea in a sentence by choosing the correct idiomatic expression.
Pool of Given Answers:
out of the woods on cloud nine a laughing stock jump the gun
back to the drawing board a penny-a-liner ants in their pants
an oily tongue cut and dry French leave pull someone's leg
hit the road broad daylight die a natural death all the time
take the bull by the horns for the birds
1. There is no need for all these questions.  The instructions are very _______.
2. I didn't take a medical course just to end up as _______.  I want to be adequately compensated for what I have sacrificed for many years.
3. It's getting kind of late, so I think I better _______ before it gets dark.
4. The student's ignorance about the issues under discussion made him _______ in the class.
5. Professor Martin had to go _______ had to go _______ after his experiment.
6. Ninja stories are _______.  The pupils would rather hear about fairy tale stories.
7. Don't be easily carried away by what he says.  He has _______ after all.
8. A good leader should know when to _______, otherwise things tend to lag behind.
9. If it were healthier, I would eat ice cream _______, but I would probably get too fat.
10. Many of the pupils at the West City Elementary School had _______.
11. The man in his early 30s was _______ after he got his promotion.
12. The honoree executed a _______ before the reception was over.
13. The irresponsible members of a certain Local Government Unit made the project _______.
14. Although Anthony was still recovering from dengue, he is _______ in terms of dying.
15. Bernadette was excited to tell everyone about her new baby, but her mother was so excited that she _______ and told the whole neighborhood.
III. Constructing Yes/No and WH- Questions
Language Test Spec: Constructing Yes/No Questions by guessing/responding to a given problem/scenario
A. Instructions: Construct five (5) questions answerable by Yes/No in each of the given situations below.  Write the correct answers on the spaces provided for (10.pts. - 1 point each).
There is a cabin in the middle of the woods/forest.  A bunch of people are dead inside and outside the cabin.  What have caused their death?
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Sitting on the bench just outside of the CAS Accreditation Room, I saw Emily who went out from the CAS Dean's Office in complete disbelief; her two hands almost covering her entire face. What happened.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Language Test Spec: Constructing WH-Questions by responding to what is asked in each of the given scenarios.
A. Instructions: Below are some pieces of personal information about Claire and Jonas.  Construct WH-Questions to fill in possibly the missing information about each of them.  Write the correct answers/questions on the spaces provided for (10 pts. - 2 pts. each).
Name Claire Jonas
Date Of Birth December 10, 1994
Hometown Davao
Civil Status Single Single
Reason single Career oriented
Means of Contact Landline
Dislike(s) Hot Weather
Ambition To become an actress To become a pilot
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
B. Instructions: Analyze the given paragraph below.  Then, construct WH-Questions where the numbered boldfaced word or words become the immediate answers.  Write the correct answers on the spaces provided for (10 pts. - 2 pts. each).
1. Scientists have discovered many interesting facts about bats.  These creatures are the only flying mammals in the world.  Bats are not blind, as many people think.  They actually see pretty well.  Some female bats help each other 2. to care for their young.  Bats also play an important role 3. as pollinators of various plants.  Colonies of bats live together, 4. in caves, and some bats stand sentry duty.  5. If danger approaches, these bats sound the alarm.  Bats use sonar to capture insects. Generally, bats will not harm humans.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
English 112 Midterm Exam
Main Campus 1, Dumaguete City
Name:_____________________________________   Score: __________
Course: ___________________________  Engl. Class Time: __________
TEST I:  Sentence and Fragments: Of the three sentences is each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment by putting an X mark before it.
Mrs. Boudreaux gone to visit her mother at the hospital. (thought I'd try to slip one by ya)
Finding a parking space there is usually easy during the week.
Driving in the city during the evening rush hour.
To apply for a job at the new store in the mall.
Asking the interviewer how often he would have to work on weekends.
Shaking his new boss's hand, Tony knew he would like working there.
By the time Frances found out how expensive the wallpapering job would be.
After getting estimates from five contractors, she decided to do the work herself.
Before picking out an interesting wallpaper pattern that went well with her furniture.
Who borrowed Stefanie's car Saturday night.
The nineteen-year-old car looked out of place next to the new models.
Which the salesman was surprised to find in such good shape.
While waiting for her neighbor to move the car that blocked the driveway.
To avoid hitting the other car, Michael had to back across the corner of the lawn.
By making sure that no one will park across the driveway again.
Because Michael was sure he had heard the same strange story many months ago.
Although I will never forget how cold we were when we lost our heat last winter.
Since Anna wasn't at the meeting, I took notes so that she wouldn't miss anything.
When my cousin moved to Troy, New York, after he finished school.
After he went to all the trouble of fixing up his apartment.
While living there, he made very few friends.
My brother has been running a charter fishing boat for five years.
Many of his customers coming back three of four times over the summer.
His business been so busy that he has very little time for anything else.
In the hiding place that Carl had been using for years to get away from teh noisy house.
By the time that everyone had quieted down, my favorite television show was over.
Before planning another family get-together at the already crowded park.
Although I knew she might wear something outrageous, I was still shocked by her dress.
Because she didn't want to tell where she had bought the strange outfit.
When we finally heard that she had made the dress herself.
TEST II: Dangling Modifiers: Each number has a pair of sentences.  Write: A if the first sentence does not have a dangling modifier.
B if the second sentence does not have a dangling modifier.
C if both A and B do not have dangling modifiers.
D if both have dangling modifiers.
___1. Piled up next to the washer, I began doing the laundry.
I began doing the laundry piled up next to the washer.
___2. While John was talking on the phone, the doorbell rang.
While talking on the phone, the doorbell rand.
___3. Standing on the balcony, the ocean view was magnificent.
Standing on the balcony, we had a magnificent ocean view.
___4. As I was running across the floor, the rug slipped and I lost my balance.
Running across the floor, the rug slipped and I lost my balance.
___5. While taking out the trash, the sack broke.
While Jamie was taking out the trash, the sack broke.
___6. After we walked for hours, the car looked wonderful.
After we walked for hours, we thought the car looked wonderful.
___7. While I am watching a classic film, commercials are irritating.
While watching a classic film, I find commercial irritating.
___8. To please the children, they set off some fireworks early.
To please the children, some fireworks were set off early.
___9. At the age of twelve, my mother entered me in a contest.
At the age of twelve, I was entered in a contest by my mother.
___10. Because I took good care of myself, the flu never kept me from work this summer.
By taking good care of myself, I never had to take off work for the flu this summer.
___11. Budgeting his money carefully, his debts were finally paid.
Due to budgeting, his debts were finally paid.
___12. To lose weight, fatty foods should be avoided.
If you want to lose weight, fatty foods should be avoided.
___14. Carrying a heavy pile of books, she caught her foot on the step.
When she was carrying a heavy pile of books, her foot caught on the step.
___15. Dropped in the bushes, the missing keys were found by the child.
The child found the missing keys that were dropped in the bushes.
TEST III: Misplaced Modifiers: Underline the misplaced word or words in each sentence.  Then write the sentence to make the meaning clear.
1. We observed a class of ESL students taking a tour of the school.
2. The young girl envisioned the math test that she would take in her mind.
3. The teacher watched the students take the test from her desk.
4. Shao Ping carried his old school book in his bag which was wrapped in newspaper.
5. I heard that the local preschool would be closed on the evening news.
6. Student athletes almost filled the entire gymnasium.
7. The ESL students were given the grammar test making groans of discontent.
8. The boy confidently completed the math problem with a smile.
9. Haji delivered his late homework to his teacher dressed in old, torn clothing.
10. The principal needs new teachers to help the students badly.
TEST IV: Parallelism: Identify whether the given sentence is parallel.  If it is, write CORRECT in the space provided, If not, rewrite the sentence to make it parallel.
1. She likes to listen to music and reading the latest novels.
2. He spent his time studying Spanish, working at the convenience store, and jogging every afternoon.
3. The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys.
4. The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and the ashtrays were overflowing.
5. Mary wanted to paint her office, to add some new draperies, and the carpet need cleaning.
6. When Friday rolls around, do you go to the mall, head for a bar, or are you going to work?
7. Last year, my brother dropped out of school, was looking for work, and needed a place to stay.
8. He watched the latest version of King Lear, studied for his math test, and was talking on the phone.
9. In English class, Tashonda learned to read poems critically and she appreciated good prose.
10. Coach Espinoza was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and a wise friend.

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