14 September 2011

To Do or Not To Do

I've been thinking about writing a little update from the Philippines for a while.  When I think about writing, I often find myself trying to list my accomplishments to share.  I mention things like this to Jacques, and he'll respond, "you're so American."  Maybe.  I'm definitely a 'check it off my to-do list' kind of person... the most annoying thing I've learned while being here is that, in my endless lists, I've created a lot of things for me to do that really didn't need to be done.  Like a caged hampster in a spinning wheel...

The most embarrassing realization I've had is that I don't even keep my hyper-to-do-ness to myself.  I was pressuring a counterpart one day to finish his part of a grant proposal so I could submit it to the Peace Corps.  He finally looked at me and said, "we should not be rushed or feel pressure."  That was all he said.  After staring at him blankly (what are these strange ideas he shares with me?), I finally mustered up an, "okay, let me know what you'd like me to do next."  We didn't talk about it again.  That was a month ago.  Today, he handed me his typed proposal with every "i" dotted and "t" crossed.  He did a great job, and probably never felt the anxiety I often feel around "getting to the end".  How many others have I tried to infect with such compulsion?

So, here's the scoop.  I'm not doing much by way of list completion these days.  I've actually lost most of my lists (which are always on small sheets of paper that end up in endless pants pockets, backpack compartments, and hanging out of notebooks).  I'm pretty much operating on a day-to-day basis.  It's SO strange.  When I start to create lists of what I could or will do, I mentally kick myself... I literally have to force myself to stop creating these distractions.  It's such a twisted habit.

The good lookin' staff of LCP
The thing I'm loving about this whole going slow thing is it's helping me to understand the real needs of LCP and begin to work with the staff, rather than thinking about what can do to them.  And it leaves me a lot of time to hang with youth, play games, and get lots of hugs.

In the mean time, there's been much more going on back in the states- I have two uncles needing rehab after throwing a "Welcome Irene" party on the east coast (everyone survived with little to no damage) :-), I have a 2 month old nephew (Nathan William) who's already almost as big as his 4 year old brother :-), and Galynn just finished a Half Iron Man (that's a whole bunch of swimming, biking, and running)  :-) ! Look at me... 
just can't get away from making lists.

Some of my favorite photos from the past few weeks:

Housemother Training with Sir Jacques...
Love and Logic donated workbooks to LCP!
Nothing to do?  YouTube!
School On Wheels
youth waiting for a ride home...
demonstrates the classic "Filipino squat"

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